Register for an Envirocheck account

Simply fill in the form below to register for an Envirocheck account.
Our contact details
+44 (0)330 036 6618Address
Landmark Information Group Ltd
Imperium, Imperial Way
Reading, Berkshire
United Kingdom

Designed to effectively support your environmental site assessment, you can have complete confidence that you will be provided with the exact information you require for a successful project.

Receive a fast, flexible and efficient online service to cater to all your digital mapping and data needs with our Envirocheck Export service, delivered straight to your inbox in a range of formats for use in your own GIS and CAD systems.

You can order all your mapping and data in one go with Envirocheck. Get in touch today to discuss how we can support your project from start to finish. It doesn’t matter what size your site is – we can supply it.